7:00 AM

SHIRT & SHOES: madewell HAT: zara JACKET: vintage levi's PANTS: silvian heach

I look like a lost little French girl. Madeline, perhaps? I like to think of myself as a modern thespian, but those looks to distress and confusion are real. I couldn't find that bar I was looking for and ended up in some alley. I even walked into the back entrance of a resaruant thinking it was the place I was looking for, only to find our its seasonal. All the more reason to bring up my Margot Tenenbaum likeness, as we are both lost while wearing berets. This look was thrown together at the last minute, but it feels very Gucci, as in Alessandro Michele for Gucci. I have and never will be a fan of the 70's, but Michele's vintage boho look I can get behind. Especially since it coincides with my 'berets and mules' aesthetic for fall. Nope, I haven't forgotten about my commitment to that, but who knows where I will stand when it comes time to wear socks. More to come!

P.S. Sorry for the lack of photos. The outfit was good, but the lighting was not. 

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