1:38 PM

Turtleneck: American Apparel Shirt: DKNY x Opening Ceremony Culottes: Topshop

Cause ya know, I had a pair of leather culottes lying around and thought I should pull them out because it's Tuesday. I've become somewhat of a loyalist to DKNY and it's collaborations with Opening Ceremony.  Putting the turtleneck underneath was an homage to Luella and Katie's first collection at Marc by Marc Jacobs, which coincidentally is who makes my beanie. It just exemplifies the essence of the 90's that I attempt to recreate every day of my life. I paired very obviously sporty items, like my sneakers and a grey-shirt, with the leather culottes because it felt like such an odd mix. For an outfit composed of a lot of odds and ends, it feels somewhat succinct in that fact that it's so contradictory it's cohesive. Or maybe that's just my way of reasoning with myself for throwing a bunch of pieces on and calling it an outfit. More to come!

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