7:00 AM
Dress: Madewell Shoes: Nasty Gal
Basically, this outfit has been sitting on my desktop for months and I haven't gotten around to posting it until now. This was actually the outfit I wore for my graduation. Yes, I graduated college, but who needs a degree when you're schooling life? Actually me. I do. But now I can rally to the lyrics in "Girls (Who Run the World)", where Queen Yonce proclaims, "Let me raise a glass to the college grads." Will I ever get around to talking about my outfit or I am just going to quote Beysus for this entire post? Well, what I will say about this outfit was it was perfect for graduation because this dress has pockets (!!!!), plus these shoes were pretty comfortable for the entire ceremony. I don't have much more to say about it because all I really did was throw on a dress and heels. Sometimes those are the best outfits because they truly live up to the term effortless. More to come!