9:29 AM
Blazer: Handmade Jeans: Reformation Shirt: Banana Republic Sunglasses: AdamSelmanxLeSpecs
This season we saw the passing of one of the most important fashion trends to date - normcore. I loved the Seinfeld reference, the satire, the comfort, and the aesthetic. I'm not retiring my mom jeans and Stan Smith's yet, but they don't feel as fresh as they once did. Maybe sneakers will still still retain their nonchalant chicness and maybe mom jeans will still look effortlessly ironic, but the combination no longer feels new and different, a statement against the overdressed, over-accessorized, and overzealous nature of fashion in which trying to look original became unoriginal. Until then, I will hold on to my remnants of normcore, pieces of a time that once was. I'll leave you guys with this parting note: normcore is a good thing, maybe the best thing, and no good thing ever dies.
FALL 2014-SPRING 2015