8:00 PM

I was fortunate enough to get to travel to Las Vegas. But whatever joy it brought me to go somewhere that was negative degrees, was counteracted by the very nature of the city. It was upsetting to see how objectifying it is in Las Vegas. There was also such a huge disparity in wealth. Booshie tourist from middle American mixing with viceroys from Luxembourg created a microcosm of society that I don't think exists anywhere else. I don't want to sound unappreciative because I am so lucky to be able to travel somewhere. Let's just leave it at this: your fav is problematic. Sidenote: Vegas does have some pretty choice buffets and I'm all about anywhere that advertises itself as 'all you can eat.' Also, I stayed in the same hotel that Beyoncé has her iconic four night residency - I Am ... Yours. #YASQUEEN

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