7:00 AM

shirt: alexander wang jeans: zara shoes: opening ceremony x vans 

In case you didn't know, I'm rebranding myself as "Jules." I've always loved that nickname, but I want it to manifest organically, so I never outright tell people to call me it. Now I'm proudly displaying it on every shirt I can get customized to really drill it home. I got this shirt from Alexander Wang when I was in NYC a couple week ago. They had a promotion where if you bought a shirt, they would customize it for you. And since this was on the cusp of my rebranding, it felt quite kismet. I paired it with jeans from Zara that aren't entirely all that flattering, but I've gotten to a point where I'm outright refusing to wear anything other than boyfriend jeans. I even coordinate my shoes to shirt and matched the pink vans with the pink paint in my name. I felt it was something Julie would scorn, but Jules would totally dig. On another note, these pics were taken in Nebraska because I was on a week long work roadtrip. What got me through you may ask? The promise of wearing my Jules shirt, that way even people out of state can get on board with my new personal brand. More to come!

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