7:00 AM

overalls: madewell shoes: zara jacket: vintage rag & bone

I know what you're thinking, I've already had about a million and a half posts about overalls. But these ones are different because they are high waisted. I know this look will eventually get stale and I will no longer lust after overalls that way I once did, but I'm going to ride it out until then. Plus, they're one of the few items that always fit me pretty well. I went to New York City and the only thing I packed that wasn't for the tradeshow during the day were these overalls, so they basically became my outfit every night. I had no problem with this because is this blog is any indication, I'm pretty obsessed with them. I really toned this pair down by pairing them with a thin black turtleneck and shoes from Zara that look suspiciously like ones from Alexander Wang. The jacket I got vintage shopping, which I normally don't take part in. Aside from the fact that wearing someone else's clothes gives my the heebbie jeebies, Anna Wintour once stated that she detests vintage and I agree with her. In an industry that is constantly moving forward, you can't ever look back because it distracts from the now. I'm new millennium in that way. This jacket was an exception because I remember seeing it in a Rag & Bone store last fall, so it didn't feel like it was rotting in someone's closet for years. This jacket is also a tease because what I really want is a jacket that says "Julie" instead of "Eight," but I can't seem to find a embroiderer in Chicago with a decent Yelp review. Until then, I'll have to settle for a jacket that I'm going to cite as vintage, even though I doubt it's more than a year old. More to come!

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