11:58 AM

dress: zara shoes: adidas sunglasses: balenciaga

I'm normally never a fan of dresses this short. I have far too many bruises on my legs that need to be covered. This dress became an exception because well it's one of the cutest dresses I've seen at Zara in a while. Plus, they're are shorts sewn underneath, so I really felt like I got my moneys worth with this little hybrid. I paired it with sneakers because of who I am as a person. Also, since this dress is short for me I wanted to tone down the rest of what I was wearing. I also don't like sandals because they offer absolutely no support. Even in the summer, I'm a stickler for comfort. Which brings me to another reason why I like this dress. It's the perfect look for when it's just too darn hot. And let me tell you, it has been hot. Hence the leniency on my usual length criteria. I don't have much more to say about this look, since all it really consists of is a dress and sneakers. Clearly, the heat is still effecting me. More to come!

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